[AWS] How to expand storage size

1 Resizing EBS Volumes

Locate the EBS volume that needs to be expanded in the instance Storage information on the EC2 — Instance page and click on the corresponding Volume ID in order to access the EBS Volumes page.

Check the volumes that need to be expanded, and then click Actions — Modify volume

Enter the target storage size and click the Modify button

Click the Modify button

2 Linux File System Expansion

2.1 LVM Environment

a. Retrieve the disk information

Use lsblk to view the current partition information, assuming we need to expand the root volume, i.e. the third partition of the nvme0n1 disk: nvme0n1p3

# lsblk

b. Expand the physical partition

# partprobe /dev/nvme0n1
# growpart /dev/nvme0n1 3

Examining the partition information again, you can see that the size of partition 3 has changed

c. Expand logical volume

lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/mapper/cs-root

d. Expand the file system

xfs_growfs /

Use the df command to check the results of the expansion

df -Th

2.2 Standard partition environment

3 Windows File System Expansion

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